Newsletter (April 2024)

  The cows have been enjoying their hay this winter thanks to your generosity and support! We are still experiencing a bit of winter but …… We are hopeful that the grass will emerge soon and Spring will be with us! With all appreciation and gratitude!...

Greetings from the Herd – February 2024

The cows are doing well! They have been through a week of bitter cold weather but no matter how cold it was, if it was a sunny day, they chose to be outside and saved their barn time for the evening.  Today with warmer weather, they headed straight to the field for a...

Happy Valentine’s Day – February 2024

We’d like to take this opportunity to share how grateful we are that you are a part of our herd, and to thank you for helping make our dream home a reality. To celebrate the occasion, we invite you to adopt or feed a cow in honor of someone special. You can...

Happy New Year – January 2024

Welcome to the New Year! We wanted to wish you a wonderful year full of joy and fulfillment. At this time of resolutions, we wish to share with you our continuing commitment to further the well-being of cows. These wonderful creatures deserve so much more...

Greeting from Priya!

Dear Friends of The Cow Foundation, Hi, it’s Priya (the cow that has a book written about her)!  I wanted to let you know that my family and the herd are doing well. All who adopt a cow will be sent a separate email with pictures of your special cow. This newsletter...