News about Shanti

Aging Gracefully Dear Supporters of Shanti, Shanti is now 16 years old and we wanted to let you know that she is showing signs of her age. Cows can naturally live from 15 – 20+ years. Shanti has arthritis and is having a hard time keeping up with the other...

Spring is Here!

Spring has arrived and the cows are delighted to welcome the warmer weather and  greener pastures! Happily living out their full lives together. Today we have the intention to inspire people worldwide of the importance of caring for cows with kindness and compassion...

Shanti and Dakshina!

Greetings from Shanti and Dakshina! Shanti, and her family, live in a sanctuary in western New York and Dakshina is in a sanctuary in the Catskill Mountains. Shanti enjoying a snowy day! Shanti (on the right side) with her daughter and granddaughter. Dakshina,...

Newsletter (April 2024)

  The cows have been enjoying their hay this winter thanks to your generosity and support! We are still experiencing a bit of winter but …… We are hopeful that the grass will emerge soon and Spring will be with us! With all appreciation and gratitude!...

Greetings from the Herd – February 2024

The cows are doing well! They have been through a week of bitter cold weather but no matter how cold it was, if it was a sunny day, they chose to be outside and saved their barn time for the evening.  Today with warmer weather, they headed straight to the field for a...