Newsletter (April 2024)

  The cows have been enjoying their hay this winter thanks to your generosity and support! We are still experiencing a bit of winter but …… We are hopeful that the grass will emerge soon and Spring will be with us! With all appreciation and gratitude!...

Greetings from the Herd – February 2024

The cows are doing well! They have been through a week of bitter cold weather but no matter how cold it was, if it was a sunny day, they chose to be outside and saved their barn time for the evening.  Today with warmer weather, they headed straight to the field for a...

Happy Valentine’s Day – February 2024

We’d like to take this opportunity to share how grateful we are that you are a part of our herd, and to thank you for helping make our dream home a reality. To celebrate the occasion, we invite you to adopt or feed a cow in honor of someone special. You can...

Happy New Year – January 2024

Welcome to the New Year! We wanted to wish you a wonderful year full of joy and fulfillment. At this time of resolutions, we wish to share with you our continuing commitment to further the well-being of cows. These wonderful creatures deserve so much more...

Greeting from Priya!

Dear Friends of The Cow Foundation, Hi, it’s Priya (the cow that has a book written about her)!  I wanted to let you know that my family and the herd are doing well. All who adopt a cow will be sent a separate email with pictures of your special cow. This newsletter...

A Fond Farewell to Choti Tara

Dear Friends of The Cows Foundation, Snow continues to fall at the Soma Gosala Sanctuary where most of the cows reside. The herd has been very playful, racing up the hill and back to the barn, kicking up white flurries all the way. When cowkeeper Wayne spreads fresh...